Case Study ↓
Secondary Research, Consumer Insights, Pitch Development
Crafting a Pitch That Gets Funding
Artistic Fuel is an innovative AI-powered platform that is a community space for creatives of all types to connect, collaborate, and create. To prepare for a Funding Round they were looking to refine their pitch materials, zero in on the market opportunity, and consumer need, and clearly state their value proposition in an engaging and thought-provoking way.
The Rise of Generative Tech
2022 saw the biggest change to the Internet since crypto. This new level of human-machine partnership allowed creators to generate new content with the creativity of a human and the speed of a computer.
On the consumer side, the interest in art has never been higher. Art has proven therapeutic benefits. However, despite embracing the benefits of art making, research revealed that consumer experiences an enormous pressure to be “good at it”, which often stops them in their tracks.
“The pursuit of excellence” has crept into and corrupted what was once the realm of leisure, leaving little room for the true amateur.”
Tim Wu, “In Praise of Mediocrity”, NYTimes 2018
Yet, just 20 minutes of doodling, coloring, and doing a few drawings—with no expectations, and no judgment, changes the perception of having good ideas or being creative.
Source: “Free art-making in an art therapy open studio: changes in affect and self-efficacy” Study by Dr. Girija Kaimal. the art therapist
Key Insight
The instant gratification of seeing your idea come to life increases motivation and self-assurance.
In this context, the new creative formula is not to wait for inspiration that would motivate you to action, but rather conquer the resistance in your mind with one tiny action and let that action cause a snowball of momentum that would inspire and motivate you.
This places Artistic Fuel right into the sweet spot of enabling creatives of all skill levels to bring their ideas to life instantaneously, bypassing the initial creative stumbling blocks, in a playful, non-judgmental community space.